AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION: This college level course is
intended for the highly motivated and skilled junior. This course will focus on rhetoric, argumentation, and analysis. Students will read numerous texts(both fiction and non-fiction) from various time periods. These pieces include:
--The Scarlet Letter
--The Crucible
--Catcher in the Rye
--The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
--The Great Gatsby
--As well as historical essays and documents, memoirs, satirical essays, speeches, and poetry
ENGLISH 31: This junior honors English class is an accelerated
course designed for highly motivated students who excel in reading and writing but are not quite ready for the demands of AP English. These students will read various pieces of American literature throughout the year including:
--The Scarlet Letter
--The Crucible
--Catcher in the Rye
--The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
--The Great Gatsby
--The Awakening
--Death of a Salesman
--Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman
AMERICAN STUDIES-ENGLISH 32: This American Studies course
is designed for students who love history and English. The class is taught by two teachers: an English teacher and a Social Studies teacher who teach history alongside literature. This thematically designed course focuses on what it means to be an American, examining the hardships and successes of our nation. This course is designed for the highly motivated, college bound student. Students will read a variety ofAmerican texts including:
--The Crucible
--The Narrative of Frederick Douglass
--Killer Angels
--The Great Gatsby
--The Grapes of Wrath
--The Things They Carried
ENGLISH 32: This Junior English class is designed for the
college-bound student. Throughout the year, students will write a variety of essays for different purposes and audiences. Students will study SAT vocabulary, enhance their reading, writing, and speaking skills, and learn to analyze and write rhetorical arguments. The course focuses on the American Dream in both classic and contemporary literature. These texts include:
--Catcher in the Rye
--The Crucible
--The Great Gatsby
--The Things They Carried