BHS Alumni Board of Directors


Richard Bellesheim '60

Board of Directors- President

George Godfrey '60

Board of Directors- Treasurer

Richard Godfrey '65

Board of Directors- Picnic Chairman

Lynn O’Donnell Fenn '71

Board of Directors- Vice President- Awards

Judy Dolph Schlemmer '62

Board of Directors- Secretary

Lois Heckler Weiss '57

Board of Directors- Newsletter Editor


Daniel DeBlois

District Administrator (ret)

Frank Forster

Administrator (ret)

Gary Lawlor '86

Associate Principal

Chris Troetti '92


Elections Of Directors

The Corporation shall consist of nine directors. Those serving or nominated to serve as Directors shall be members in good standing of the Association. The Directors of the Corporation shall be Directors of the Bethel High School Alumni Association, Inc., (BHAA) and their terms as Directors shall be concurrent with their terms as Directors of BHAA. Directors shall hold office for a period of three years. Terms will be staggered so that three Directors are elected each year thereby ensuring a degree of continuity in handling Association business. Terms will begin on January 1 and end three years later on December 31.

There shall be no term limits. Directors wishing to continue in service may do so if

re-elected in accordance with the procedures described in this section.

The election process will take place as follows:

1. The Board of Directors by majority vote at a properly noticed Board meeting will appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three members of the Association. The Association Vice President will serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee. No other Board Member will be eligible to serve on the Committee. The Committee will be appointed each year prior to April 1.

2. Prior to May 15, the Nominating Committee will announce to the Board at a properly noticed Board meeting a proposed slate of three nominees to succeed those Directors whose terms will expire at year end.

3. The summer issue of the Association Newsletter will contain the names of the three nominees. Following receipt of the Newsletter and in any event prior to September 15, if five or more members in good standing of the Association, at large, wish to nominate a different candidate or slate, they may do so via a formal letter to the Board of Directors in which the name(s) of the nominee(s) and the names of the five Association members endorsing the candidacy(s) are included.

4. If by September 15 no correspondence proposing an alternate candidate or slate is received, then the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee will be deemed to have been duly elected. This will be communicated to the Association members in the winter Newsletter issue.

5. If there is a contested election, the Board will prepare a ballot with the names of the nominees listed in alphabetical order with a notation after each name indicating if the candidate has been endorsed by the Nominating Committee by five or more members at large. The ballot will be included as an insert in the winter Newsletter.

6. Association members will be directed to mail completed ballots to the Association at the High School address prior to January 1. Returned ballots will be retained unopened until January 1. As soon as possible after that date the Board of Directors will meet to count the ballots.

7. The results of the election will be conveyed to the Association members in the summer Newsletter. Earlier notification of results may be obtained through a written request mailed to the Board.

Officers of the Association will be elected by the Board of Directors each year at the first meeting in January.

A vacancy on the Board will be filled by an Association member in good standing by vote of a majority of the Board Members at an official meeting. The person filling a vacancy will remain in the position for the remainder of that term.

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